About The Committee
Meeting minutes may be found on Easthampton.org.

The Nashawannuck Pond Steering Committee is an advisory committee to the city, providing guidance on ways to preserve the pond, maintain its health and educate the public about the pond. The committee created this website as a way to share information about the pond, its history, early efforts to restore its vitality, as well as an additional way to help outline current and proposed projects for the community based upon the committee's involvement.
The pond committee meets throughout the year, usually on the last Wednesday of the month, to discuss issues relevant to the pond. All meetings are open to the public.
The Nashawannuck Pond Steering Committee is an all-volunteer group of city residents. If you would like to donate time to volunteer on the committee, please contact the Mayor's Office for openings. There are also periodic events such as WinterFest which depend upon community volunteers. The best way to keep up to date with the pond and opportunities to get involved is to join our mailing list.
We welcome everyone who can give some time to support our many ongoing projects and fundraising events. If you LOVE the pond, please show your support by helping out.
Nashawannuck Pond Steering Committee:
Paul Nowak, Committee Chair 413-923-1737 Email
Elaine Wood, 413-303-8060 Email
Beth Tiffany, 413-320-3124 Email
Amy Marsters, 508-737-8529 Email
Veronica Frantz-Eggleston, 413-320-8946 Email
Paul Davis